students with their hand raised in the air

Wraparound Care

We recognise families have different needs, and that everybody’s daily routines can be different. We have morning and after-school care to make your day a bit less stressful, knowing that your child is cared for in their school environment with familiar staff.

In Nursery to pre-prep 2, Wraparound care at Beachborough is available from 8am in the morning until lessons begin, and then again after lessons end in the afternoon until 6pm. During these times children play in the main foyers of The Boardman, a variety of toys are on offer as well as lots of activities like drawing and Lego.

The atmosphere is relaxed and calm, and the regular Boardman staff are there to supervise and look after the children. It is important that they are in a cosy, caring environment with teachers they know well, especially towards the end of the day when they can be tired.

At 4.30 everyone goes up to the dining room for tea. If it is warm enough, the children then go and play outside in the playground or the climbing frame on the front lawn.

In Forms lll and lV children can stay in aftercare until 6:45pm. Once their school day finishes at 4:30pm, they enjoy a hot meal in the Dining Hall and are then supervised in the Boardman by a member of staff and gap students until you wish to collect them.

Formal lessons in Forms V – Vlll finish at 5.05pm. Aftercare changes from the supervised play offered in Form IV and children are now offered the option of supervised homework on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday each week and an extensive choice of activities from the co-curricular programme on Monday and Thursday evenings until 6.45pm.

The majority of pupils opt to do their homework in school under teacher supervision, with a break for an evening meal from 5.00pm to 5.30pm, so at the end of the day all their work is completed and they can go home to relax.

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