a student dressed up in a dress for a fashion show

Enrichment Weeks

Each year at the end of the Summer term, we host our Enrichment Week, based on a current topic and our children enjoy a jam packed week off their normal timetables, attending a carousel of activities in relation to the subject. Mostly hands-on, the week gives the children an opportunity to learn both outside of the classroom and to arm themselves with some new skills, off-curriculum and to make those vital connections between their existing learnt knowledge and new information and experiences.

The Enrichment Weeks encourages them to make sense of the world and develop their capacity for learning by showing them how they can apply skills learnt in one subject to other areas of their education. For example, using the data handling they learn in Maths to develop their knowledge in Geography and the Sciences or employing their experience of rhythm and patterns learnt in Music lessons to the way they move and use their bodies in PE. Strong links like these enhance learning across the curriculum, strengthening pupils’ ability to transfer their skills and appreciate the relevance of their education; transforming them into ‘metacognitive’ learners who can adapt their learning to new situations. Most important of all, these occasions are great fun for everyone involved.

“Teachers have the freedom to be more creative and inspire their pupils with imaginative activities and ideas that take them above the normal curriculum.”

Since the opening of our TED Suite (Technology, Engineering and Design Suite) Forms V to VIII each spend a full day working on a STEM project; most recently Form VI designed shadow puppets on the computers, which they produced using the laser cutter and then used the drills and saws to make moving joints. They also discovered how to change light and scale to create their own shadow puppet shows.

Beachborough pupils are encouraged to be creative, adaptable, lifelong learners who are able to take full advantage of changing social and employment situations in the future. Enrichment Weeks and STEM Days are an important element in developing these characteristics.