student with the nurse

Medical Care

The School Medical Room is based in the Manor House and is open from 8:00am until 6:00pm Monday to Friday.

Outside of these times, the Boarding House Staff and onsite First Aiders deal with first aid and medical issues. If a pupil is unwell during the night, the onsite duty staff or the Boarding Houseparents and Assistant Houseparent can be called upon at any time.

The School Medical Room is run by our School Nurse – Abbi Deans. We are a ‘drop-in’ service, so no appointment is necessary; however, we do encourage that non-urgent medical issues are dealt with at break times to avoid disruption of classes. The School Nurse can be seen pitch side for matches or during major sporting events and is often involved with school trips and weekends away. The door to The Medical Room is always open, and a friendly, listening ear is available to support our children and their families.

We treat each child as an individual and devise Care Plans for children with long-term health conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, allergy or diabetes to ensure that any child with a medical issue is cared for appropriately. We also ensure that all staff involved with a particular child is fully aware of any ongoing medical or pastoral issues whilst maintaining strict confidentiality. We hope that this creates an environment where children feel fully supported in all areas of their school life.

If you wish to contact the medical staff, please email

Parents are asked to note the following;

  1. If a family Doctor or a Consultant is seen when your child is away from School, details should be sent to the School Nurse for entry into their medical records.
  2. If, during the holidays, your child is exposed to an infectious illness, tropical disease or malaria, please inform the School Nurse before they return to School.
  3. Pupils must not bring medication or drugs into School for their personal use unless prescribed by a doctor or with the knowledge of the Medical Team. All medicines must be handed immediately to the School Nurse or Matron. A ‘Consent for Prescription Medication’ form is to be completed each time your child requires regular or occasional medication. Consent For Prescription Medication
  4. The boarding house staff have access to the following ‘home remedies’ which are administered by appropriately trained staff following a protocol: Paracetamol for pain and fever, Ibuprofen for pain and fever, Piriton for allergy. We require parents to complete our Consent For Over The Counter Medicine Form.
  5. Whilst every endeavour will be made to contact parents in an emergency, the Head acting in loco parentis or a member of the School staff has the authority to give permission for urgent medical and/or surgical procedures to be carried out including the administration of a general anaesthetic. It is important that parents leave an emergency contact number with the school and boarding house staff , if they are away from home for any reason
  6. If you have any concerns about the health of your child please discuss it with the School Nurse, we welcome communication with parents.
  7. If your child is treated for asthma, epilepsy, anaphylaxis, diabetes or has a history of significant allergy, we feel it is important that teaching and sports’ staff are alerted to this. The diagnosis will appear on your child’s School electronic record, any further details are given only with your consent or that of your child as part of their care plan.
  8. New legislation allows schools to have their own Salbutamol inhaler, should something happen to your child’s inhaler (runs out, get broken). We will require parental permission to administer our emergency inhaler if your child has been diagnosed with asthma or has been prescribed an inhaler. We require parents to complete our Consent for use of Emergency Salbutamol Inhaler Form.
  9. When joining the school, it is a requirement that we ask parents for signed permission for us to administer home remedy medicines such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and Piriton. This is found on the Home Remedies Health Form.
  10. Please let us know in writing of any allergies or medical matters from which your child may suffer. Beachborough is a nut free school. We have several children with severe, life-threatening allergies to nuts who require adrenaline devices.
  11. If a child has been given any medicine overnight or before they come to school, it is a parents’ responsibility to inform staff.
  12. Tummy bugs spread quickly. Children should not return to school until at least 48 hours after their last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.
  13. If your child has had a temperature greater than 38 degrees centigrade, they should not return to school until at least 24 hours after their last raised temperature.
  14. Children should not be bringing food/snacks into school without prior authorisation.
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